Hi everyone! So this is a new blog, I decided to start up since the previous one was such a fail. Fml. I'm not sure what happened, but everytime I tried to look at my blog in blogger/google reader, it wouldn't pop up, which annoyed me a lot! So now I've decided to open up this blog again, but that means that I lose all the followers. Wtf. Anyway, if you can please follow me again by pressing the follow button on the right hand side.
Instagram pictures of the week:
Bracelets that I've made / My new iPhone background / Some shoes I tried out / Some more bracelets I made (Sorry the picture is blurry!) / What I've been eating for Saturday Lunches, it's a low calories burrito / Another cool looking green bracelet I made! / My freaking ice cream cones are always smashed up / My galaxy nails!