
Alba Natural Hawaiian Facial Toner

by - 9/16/2012

Hi everyone! This is the first review on this website! Aren't you excited? Haha, I know I am! Anyway, this is going to be a quick review of the Alba toner! LOL at my random expression below! Wtf?

From their website:
Even better in paradise.Calm, cool-as-a-cucumber witch hazel and aloe vera purify and minimize pores. Extracts of hibiscus, honeysuckle, passion flower and guava further refine and refresh so skin finishes with a smooth, balanced tone. Even complexion without the shine? How pure-fect! Hypo-allergenic.

What I love about this toner is that there is absolutely no alcohol in it! Which is a plus for me, since for the last couple of years, I've been using the Kiehl's toner but I ran out so then afterwards I decided I didn't want to fetch out $16 for the small bottle anymore. I do like shopping, but that's expensive! Since the price of the toner has gone up in the last 4 years! Wtf.

This toner does sting a little for me, when I started using it, which I assume that it means that it's working? The only con is if you get any of this stuff near your lips and you lick your lips, it tastes disgusting. But other than that, this toner is pretty damn good in my book! I've used up just a little bit in the last couple of months! (I've packed up one small bottle away for travel) In case you were wondering,

I put this toner in a spray bottle and I spray it over my face. I'm actually not sure why people use a cotton pad when you can just spray it on your face! Save the earth please! (I learned this from the Lush toner, which I didn't really like, because honestly wtf that toner didn't do anything for me!) In case you were wondering, the spray top did not come with the product! I took another spray bottle top, and put it on there.

Jeezus, it takes me forever to just edit one picture! I think for the next couple posts, if you don't see my face, that's probably because I didn't use my iphone to edit my pictures, or I'm too lazy. Lol.

By the way I kind of want to apologize for the random test posts, you might have gotten on your reading list via blogger or google reader. I was trying to figure out why my blog wasn't posting on google reader, and blogger's reader list. I finally think I figured out how to fix it smh. But it's all good now! And if you can't see this post can you please let me know? That would be greatly appreciated! :)

Disclaimer: Product was sent to me to try. This is a Advertorial.

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  1. Nice lovely photos!
    Good to know you were able to fix the problem on your blog.:)

    Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!
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  2. Nice to know I'm not the only random blogger...LOL Love your blog! New follower from the Monday Blues Blog Hop! :D


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