I love jewelry, food, fashion, and anything pretty, so what the hell? Why wouldn't you expect me to post some pictures from Tumblr? It's just an amazing platform for you to collect pictures and display them. Which is why I love Tumblr.
I love dainty jewelry. Especially the cute ones. Like below:
The picture below is so cute! I had to post it! I mean who doesn't love old keys?
Near my house, there are flowers that look similar to these, I kind of wish they grew in front of my house!
I'm planning on baking some cookies next week! Prepare for a post about the cookies, in the meantime, I will just stare at these cupcakes.
I love pink! Pink anything, which explains the backpack below!
Not sure if that's a package or a pillow below. Any one have thoughts?
This picture just looked too amazingly delicious to pass up!
I actually bought a pair of floral flats similar to the ones below from Cotton on last year! (Those shoes are the most painful shoes, I have ever worn wtf. But I still think they are pretty to wear. What does that say about me?)
I love this girl's sweater!
Did I mention that I'm a huge fan of lace?
This girl's peplum dotted top is just so gorgeous!
I actually bought a pair of jeans that are very similar in color! Prepare for a post for that in the future.
For those of you out there who didn't know, I'm a huge fan of boots.
WTH are these and can I please have some?
I love accessories! Especially head wear!
Omg, I wish I had the recipe for this!
I've been a big fan of froyo for a long time, and I have to admit I haven't had one bite of it all summer. That's freaking commitment.
Can you say "love fashion much?"
"Mom what kind of monster have you created?" Oh that's right one who can't get enough of clothes.
Is this some sort of tart? Because I need to eat you ASAP!
Nutella. Enough said.
I like this whole western vibe going around.
Lace shorts. Can you say please, and thank you?
NOTE: This post was suppose to go up on Saturday, because I had another post scheduled for today, but for some reason, lighting wasn't very good the last couple of days. It's actually starting to feel like fall. Hence the whole why I haven't been able to take good pictures. And it actually rained today! Hope you enjoyed my random pick of cute looking pictures. By the way my brother is leaving for a retreat tomorrow so I will have the place all to myself!
I do not lay claim to any of the pictures above. These pictures were found via tumblr.com.