Currently Reading
So today, I'm going to talk about a couple of my currently reading list. There are a couple of books that I've checked out in the last couple of weeks, and while some were more interesting than others, I do try to finish every book I get my hands on. Even if it takes me multiple weeks to get them finished. (*Cough Game of Thrones Cough*)
I've been reading The Mortal Instruments. And while I find the writing to be not so great, (Basically on par with Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series) I still like the whole world in which Clary Fray lives in. It's basically all supernatural. And I'm hoping that the movie which is coming out in August this year, will be better than Clare's writing. Because the one thing I hate more than bad writing is bad movies. The one thing that irks me is Clary's way of getting involved in everyone's business, and always running headfirst into situations without analyzing the details first. I mean I understand she's a teenager, who probably has raging hormones, but even when I was a teen, I wasn't running into unknown situations and getting in trouble.
If you don't already know, I have a love for zombie related books. So when I read the cover for Ashes, I knew I had to read it. And then earlier this year I decided to pick up Shadows, which is the 2nd book in the 3 book series. While I really wanted to finish Shadows, I couldn't because I was freaked out that Alex the main character would die. But you will have to read the book to find out what happens to her. No spoilers on here!
I love love LOVE Gabrielle Zevin's writing. I seriously think that All These things I've done should become a movie. And I thought why not read one of her other books? So I picked up elsewhere, and when I got to the end I was crying. It's such a moving story about a 15 year old girl who dies, and goes to elsewhere. You have to read this book!
Does anyone have any good one book no series to suggest? I'm not loving the fact that every time I read a book I have to wait a year for the continuing book to be released.
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