How to get followers on your blog!
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Advertise - The easiest way for you to gain followers is to advertise. Check out some blogs that have free ad swaps on! It's great because passionfruit just opened up their marketplace a couple of months ago, and I go through it and I will check out blogs that I want to sponsor. (P.S. I currently have free ad swaps! Check out my sponsor page here!)
Be Consistent with your posts - You want your followers to be interested right? Well you need to post at least a couple times a week, to ensure that readers come back to read your content. I try to post at least 2 times per week. Sometimes it will change when I get more content to post about, but for the most part, I try to post at least twice a week.
Social Media - This is a easy way for you to gain followers. If you have a good following on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest, all you have to do is advertise your blog on your social media websites. I have a Indepedent Fashion Bloggers account and I've been trying to get a lot of my friends to check out my blog (It's time consuming but I think the result is pretty good!).
Clean Layout - This one is crucial! I mean I've read some messy blogs in the past, where there are like a hundred little blinking .GIFs, and fonts that are extremely hard to read. If your not sure where to pick up a really inexpensive layout try You can find just about anything on there! I usually just do a search for white blogger templates, and you can check out all the amazing layouts! For those of you who have more money to splurge I would suggest, because they only release 15 of each design. Which is great if you don't want to be like everyone else.
Host Giveaways - You can always start out with a small giveaway. It doesn't have to be anything big. You can just give away some items that you really like/recommend to other people.
And of course try to get people involved! Even if it's your family, or close friends. Have people check out your blog, and if they like it they will recommend your blog to others.
What tips do you recommend to get more followers?
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