Sunday Currently 09/29/2013
For those of you who haven't read my last post, yesterday. I was super emotional (in a good way) when I wrote that post. I was crying, and laughing at the same time. Which is a good thing to do every once in a while. So I wanted to continue this Sunday Currently weekly post possibly for the next month or so. So here it goes:
READING: Random articles on Facebook. Yes, I am finally back on facebook after the 2 years of not being on it.
WRITING: This post up!
LISTENING: Wreaking Ball by Miley Cyrus. This song is so sad, but I understand where Miley is going with this.
THINKING: About how great today was. And getting to hang out with my good friend.
SMELLING: My hershey's cookies and cream candy bar, and eating it! So good!
WISHING: I could read some more books, before the end of the year! I want to read at least 60 to 70 books! And I'm almost done with my current book! So YAY!
HOPING: That I keep up with my exercise routine!
WEARING: A simple loose ombre top, and my abercrombie shorts.
LOVING: Being healthy. I'm trying out this new schedule for exercise! Fingers crossed that I continue on with it in the next couple of months.
WANTING: To try out the new yoga pants I bought today! Check on instagram for a picture possibly tomorrow! :)
NEEDING: To clean my laptop's keyboard once again.
FEELING: Like a fatty. All I had for dinner was shrimp, and asparagus, with BUTTER on pasta. (It's my cheat day!)
CLICKING: Around on Go Pro's website. I'm debating if I want to invest in that camcorder, or a Panasonic GF-1. The Go Pro looks amazing for filming, and it would be easier since I travel to take that as opposed to my GF-2.
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