February Empties
I didn't use up as much stuff as last month, because last month was a combination of December and January, but I did have a couple of items that I did use up.
Profolla AnaStim Ha - I used up this entire bottle in the last year, and I'm not sure if it really helped my hair grow or not. I probably would not repurchase this.
Organix Moroccan Argan Oil Weightless Healing Oil - I used this prior to taking a shower. For some reason when I put this in my hair and then wash it it makes my hair feel extremely soft. I used this twice a week.
it's a 10 miracle leave in lite - I really love this stuff, for times when I forget to put conditioner in my hair, or if after I shower, my hair is still a little tangled. I'm going to be picking up a couple bottles from costco in the next couple of weeks.
Head & Shoulders Shampoo - I've been using this forever. And I've finally finished up on the second big bottle of this stuff. I cannot believe that it took me this long to finish this big bottle. I usually get mine from costco, henceforth the big bottle.
Clean & Clear daily soothing acne wash - I used this up, after having it forever in my bathroom. I didn't like the way this stuff foamed up. I actually prefer cleaners that foam up after you rub it in. Ironically enough, I'm currently using a cleanser right now that is similar to this one. Go figures right? But I will be doing a review of the cleanser I am using later.
I didn't end up hitting pan or using up any makeup products this month, but hopefully by next month, I will have gotten around to using up some makeup products. Hopefully!