I've always really loved this song, and now this song is back on rotation in my itunes library.
For some weird reason, I've been craving dutch babies. I'm not sure what it is about this pancake, but the more I look at it, the more I get hungry.
Jeffrey Campbell everything. I don't care what others say about their shoes, I've been addicted to their shoes since 3 years ago. And I have a pair of their heels, but I've been craving more shoes lately! I really like their older styles, from 2 to 3 years ago.
I underestimated how quickly pineapple juice goes in my house. I only picked up one carton of juice, thinking that would be enough, but it's almost all gone now. *cries*
When I saw that Ann had made a tutorial for a kimono top, I was instantly excited. I'm planning on making a couple of these for the summertime. This is a great summer coverup, for those chiller nights, or just for the beach.
I've been aiming at getting a California necklace for a while now, and I think I've finally found one, but I need to wait for the shop's stock to have it in gold. Can't wait to pick this up finally!