
Books I've read during Spring 2014

by - 5/15/2014

Storytime with Denysia is what this series should be called. Haha. Anyway so here are some books that I've been loving, some that are just meh, and some upcoming books that I'm so ready to read.
spring booksUnsouled: I've talked about Neal Shusterman's book before, and I've liked if not loved every book he's come out with. I have read the two books before this one, and those ones blew my mind away. Even though the first book Unwind was written in 2007, and then his other books were written in 2012, and then in 2013, it's as if he hasn't forgotten the plot. I seriously cannot wait for undivided which is coming out later this year! For a list of Dystopian based books check out this list.

Cruel Beauty: Now this is the way that Beauty and the Beast was suppose to be told! For those of you who know the story of Beauty and the Beast you will know that he gave her a ring, and she was suppose to return him in due time. And that is how this book ends. There is always a twist, but so far I loved this book and I would say that this book is amazing.

The Fall of Five: I've come to a realization that I'm addicted to books about aliens. So when I got my hands on this book, I was just so excited. I mean this is the fourth book in the I am Number Four series. I read this book within a couple of days (More like 2), and this book did not disappoint. I'm not sure why everyone dislikes Sarah so much. I mean she's an important part of this book. Without her, John would have probably died in this book.
Dreams of Gods and Monsters: This book was amazing by far! I don't care what anyone else said about this book on goodreads, I really enjoyed reading every second of this book. I read this book within a couple of days. I think more around a day and a half, but this book was just so damn amazing. If you don't recall, I wrote about how I don't really read books with angels, or angel like figures, but this book has a lot of romance in it. Not 50 Shades of Grey type of romance, but the wispy kind that any young girl wishes for. I'm not going to spoil it, but there is another romance in this book other than Karou's and Akiva's. And no it's not Zuzana's and Mik's. Check it out if you have a chance, because I can say that I was literally rooting for this other couple to succeed.

Undercurrent: I have to say this book was a little more tricky to get through. Not saying that this isn't a fast read, it is, but the author left some cliffhangers. Hopefully the author writes another book in this series. In a parallel universe is where Callum Harris is not who he thinks he is, and he is hunting for the wrong answers.

Entangled: This book was a little bit harder for me to finish up on. I do like the whole dystopian universe, but this book requires a little more imagination. I couldn't for the life of me imagine Rennick. I think the author described him as tall, with a face of stone, with double pupils. I just kept imagining the demon from 47 Ronin, who fought with Kai in the Tengu Temple.
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I started reading An Abundance of Kathereens a while ago, but I haven't had a chance to finish it yet. Here's to hoping that I finish it by the end of summer. And I loved Gabrielle Zevin's books as well. I've read her entire Birthright series, and if you recall I cried when I read the ending to Elsewhere. Robison Wells is a new author that I haven't had a chance to read yet. I will let you all know what I think about these books after I read them!

What are some recommendations you have? (You can probably tell what kind of books I enjoy reading just by this post alone!)


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