Today is my birthday, or burfday like some of my friends on facebook like to say. I turn 27 this year, and yes it has been an amazing year! So let's get on with it, shall we? I've done this survery/tag thingy that I took from Jessica aka Miss. FrikkenDuckie! Can you believe that homegirl is a Gemini too? That's pretty cool in my book! Haha, so let's get on with it shall we?
A// Age: I'm 27!
C// Chore you hate: Washing the dishes. It's a hassle, but I'll do it.
D// Dogs: We don't have any pets... Sucks right?
E// Essential start to your day: A glass of juice, or coffee. Seriously though, coffee's been my friend for the last month.
F// Fear: Big animals, that will chase me. Example: Bears, wolves, etc. And also being stuck in the wilderness like Katniss from the Hunger Games without any provisions.
H// Hobbies: Blogging, reading, crafting, and cooking. I'm a pro cooker. Go ask my friends. (I dance to music when I'm cooking too ya know)
I// Instruments you play: I have a guitar, though I haven't played it since I was a senior in high school. I need a teacher.
J// Job: Full time blogger.
K// Kids: None, nada. At least for now. P.S. I don't want to be the overly energetic parent like Phil. Haha.
L// Live: SoCal, and have been here since I was born here. I've lived in Taiwan for a brief time though.
M// Music: EDM, house, or slow love songs.
N// Nicknames: Okay so this is kind of embarrassing. My Chinese name is Ann Ping, so my mom likes to call me Ping ping, or Ann Ping. I go by Denysia most of the time, and if not, I will go by Denny, De, or Ann.
O// Overstock: A shit ton of makeup, and shoes. I have a bad addiction to shoes.
P// Pet peeve: Pushovers. I try not to be, but it happens.
Q// Quote: "Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer."
R// Regrets: Getting shit faced drunk at da club, and stumbling around everywhere.
S// Siblings: One younger brother.
T// Time you wake up: It really depends, but lately, I've been getting up around 8:00 am.
U// Underwear: I have a lot of Victoria's Secret panties. Haha.
V// Veggies you dislike: Bitter melon, it's just ugh...
W// Wants: To find my prince charming, and to lose a little bit more weight! Almost at my goal weight!
X// Xerox: I don't think I look like anyone in particular. I mean, I'm asian, so I know a lot of people when they see asian people, they just assume that we are all the same race: oriental. Haha.
Y// Yuck: Unhygienic people, dirty animals, and dog poo that people don't pick up.
Z// Zodiac: Gemini, or rabbit in Chinese zodiac.
By the way, I'm wondering how people find all these GIFs, it took me a good hour to hunt down all these GIFs until I realized that I could find a lot of them on tumblr. Haha.