Hey guys! This is a recap of the last week! Which was crazy but super fun! First off, let's start off with the Culver City mall Skinny Cow event. The people at Skinny Cow were all amazingly awesome and nice, and were handing out free full sized products! I even got an ice cream bar which I promptly gave to my brother. Haha.
Look at this pretty lady posing for my picture! You rock! :)
This lady posed for me too! And she gave me an ice cream bar! Thank you! (By the way I saw her again at the speakeasy event at the Edison later that week!)
Me in front of the sign. I wished I had posed less awkwardly, but it's all good. Haha.
Now onto the Speakeasy Event at the Edison! I went to the Edison to see Sofia Vergara, and yes she is as beautiful as she looks in real life! And she was so friendly! I got to sit right next to her, which was super exciting!
I got there at exactly 5pm, and I got to talk to some of the other women who are bloggers as well! Me and my friend went together, because I wanted to go there with someone, because this was an event that was free for anyone to attend.
Me and my friend when we first got there! Yummy drinks that we are holding!
For those of you wondering the drink I have in my hand is the Moo La La Mocha, and the drink my friend has is the Vivacious Vanilla. I got the Cappuccino Creme afterwards! By the way that's a grilled cheese with tomato bisque that they were giving out as appetizers!
Kobe beef sliders that the bloggers were all eager to try! But first let's take a picture! :)
They also had a photobooth there, and we decided to take a couple of pictures. We look so random, but funny, at the same time!
Here are some pictures from the night (sorry that a lot of them were blurry, most of these were taken on my iphone, I did have my vlogging camera, but between talking to bloggers, and drinking, and eating, there wasn't much time to vlog! For those of you who weren't able to attend my secret is: To always wear a long lasting lipstick, because you never know when you'll want to take a picture (I'm a big fan of the NYX matte lip creams)!
So what's your secret? Leave it in the comments below!